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Our administrative staff are committed to maintaining a safe and secure facility for the citizens of Oklahoma county. OCDC staff work tirelessly to inspire excellence and develop a positive culture in the facility.


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Core Values

Professionalism: Competency, character, or skill that is expected of a professional.

Respect: Having a high regard for someone.

Accountability: Being responsible for what you do and able to give a satisfactory reason for it.

Integrity: The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.

Service: Being of help or assistance to others.

Empowerment: Giving or delegating power or privilege through encouragement.


The members of the Oklahoma County Detention Center will strive daily to

instill and promote Professionalism, Respect, Accountability, Integrity, Service, and Empowerment to achieve excellence and PRAISE others.

Get to Know Us

Our Mission Statement

The Oklahoma County Detention Center will exhibit professionalism, courtesy, ethical conduct, and moral standards to Oklahoma County and the State of Oklahoma.


Our Vision

The Oklahoma County Detention Center will strive to provide a safe and secure detention facility that cultivates a positive and empathetic culture, provides transparent and accountable services, and positively impacts the lives of all individuals.


About US

White Structure


Annual Report

Click on the link below to view and/or download a copy of this annual report


Board of Trustees

Oklahoma County Detention Center is governed by the Oklahoma County Criminal Justice Authority, a public trust. To learn more about this organization, click the link below.


SERT and Honor Guard

Special Emergency Response Team (SERT)


Honor Guard


Rethinking the Term "Inmate"

In our ongoing commitment to fostering a culture of respect, empathy, and positive transformation within our organization, I am announcing a significant change in our terminology.

Our Partners


What is TEEM and how can I reach them?

TEEM (The Education and Employment Ministry) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to breaking cycles of incarceration and poverty through education, personal development, and work readiness training.

Their office is located at 1501 N. Classen Blvd., Oklahoma City, OK 73106. They can also be reached by telephone at 405-235-5671.


Diversion Hub

What is Diversion Hub and how can I reach them?

Diversion Hub connects justice-involved individuals to life stabilizing resources and services to help them become safe, self-sufficient, and stable members of the community, thereby reducing their contacts with the justice system.

Their office is located at 220 NW 10th St., Oklahoma City, OK 73103. They can be reached by telephone at 405-594-8843.


Bail Project

What is the Bail Project and how do I reach them?

Founded in 2017 by Robin Steinberg, the Bail Project is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that aims to pay bail for people who are not financially capable of doing so themselves. The Bail Project also provides pretrial services.

You may contact the Bail Project via Serling Wright, Client Advocate, at 405-402-6057.


How do I place money on a resident's account?

You may put money on an resident’s account using or you can also use the kiosk in the front lobby of the Oklahoma County Detention Center during business hours.

How long does it take for someone to be released from jail? 

It could take several hours from the time the release paperwork is received, provided there are no extenuating circumstances. All persons must clear a warrant check, account for detention-issued property, sign paperwork, and fully out-process before being released. 

How do I find out about a resident's court dates?

The court clerk's office will be able to provide court dates. The phone number is 405-321-6402 or check online (

How do I get documentation on my time in the detention center?

The In and Out sheet provided at releasing contains the information.

Where do I go to pay a ticket?

The Oklahoma City Municipal Court Service Window located at 701 Couch Dr., Oklahoma City, OK 73102. You may also call 405-297-2884.


The Oklahoma County Annex Building located at 320 Robert S. Kerr Ave., Oklahoma City, OK 73102.

How do I find out if my driver’s license is suspended?

Contact the Oklahoma Department of Public Safety at 405-425-2098 or visit

What if I failed to appear in court?

The cost of your original ticket may increase and there will be a separate charge of failure to appear in court, resulting in additional fines and costs. A warrant may be issued, and your driver’s license could be suspended. If you have a valid medical excuse or documentation of being incarcerated, bring documentation to court. If you do not live in Oklahoma, call 405-297-2361 to learn your options to resolve this. If you are arrested, you may be required to post a bond to be released from jail.

How to drop charges?

Call the Oklahoma District Attorney’s Office at 405-713-1600 or the arresting agency.

How to file charges or file a police report?

Call the Oklahoma City Police Department at 405-297-1000.

My car has been impounded by law enforcement. How can I find out what wrecker service has my car?

Sometimes this information is provided to the staff at the Oklahoma County Detention Center, but not always. To determine which wrecker service has your car, you can search Oklahoma impound records through Service Oklahoma. Go to and provide the VIN number. This website also provides a list of required documentation, information regarding fees, and frequently asked questions.

What do clergy need to do to visit someone in Jail?

Clergy need proof of ordination filed with the County Clerk and a valid driver's license in order to visit. A background must be completed and approved prior to the visit. 

How can I receive phone calls from a resident?

Call 1-800-943-2189 or go to There is also a kiosk in the lobby where cash or credit card deposits can be made to a resident's account.

What is the process for reporting misconduct or unethical behavior by jail staff?

Submit an anonymous tip on the tip hotline.

Contact Us

Tel. 405-713-1930

 Address. 201 N. Shartel Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73102

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