Resident Mail Service
To deter contraband, the Oklahoma County Detention Center (OCDC) has implemented a new system for sending documents, photos, and mail to residents.
Since November 1, 2023, all resident mail, EXCEPT for legal and medical mail, must be mailed as described below in accordance with existing OCDC mail guidelines. All legal and medical mail must be mailed directly to the OCDC!
Any mail that is sent to PO Box 591, Longview, Texas 75606 for processing will NOT be returned or released. Once the mail is processed and received electronically by the resident, it will be destroyed. This includes pictures or anything else mailed to the processing facility.

Sending Mail
OPTION #1 – Digital Messaging and Delivery
A quicker and more efficient method is available using our new Resident Messaging system. First, go to and set up an account.
You can easily send messages to a resident for instant delivery. You can take a picture of any documents and attach them to messages. Messages are only $0.25 per message. Picture messages are only $0.35 per picture. This is much cheaper than postage, envelopes, and the time it takes to mail a letter, and the resident will receive the message and/or picture instantly. There are no limits on how many messages and photos can be sent to residents using this option.
OPTION #2 – Mailing Messages and Digital Delivery
You may send mail to be digitally delivered to residents through traditional mail services. Please address mail as follows:
Resident Name
Oklahoma County Detention Center
PO BOX 591
Longview, Texas 75606
All envelopes and mail must include the resident’s name and OCDC booking/identifying number as well as a return address.
Only mail that is within
8.5 inches wide x 11 inches tall
will be accepted.
• Mail may contain NO MORE THAN 5 PAGES. Anything that is over 5 pages will NOT be scanned and delivered and will be returned to the sender.
• All mail will be scanned front side only. Do NOT write on the back of pages. Any mail with writing on the back will be returned to the sender.
• Resident may receive a maximum of 1 photo per mailing. If more than 1 photo is mailed, the entire letter and all its contents will all be returned to sender, and nothing will be scanned or delivered.
• No magazines, newspapers, bulk mail, or books will be accepted at PO Box 591, Longview, Texas 75606 and will be returned to sender. These items must be sent to 201 N. Shartel Ave, OKC, OK 73102 following the OCDC mail guidelines.
Once the mail is received, it will be scanned then sent to the resident electronically via the same messaging system referenced above. Resident may securely view mail on the kiosks or tablets (if applicable) within the facility.
There will be no exceptions for mail that does follow the above guidelines.
No legal or medical mail will be accepted at the Texas address. Legal and medical mail must be sent to
201 N. Shartel Ave,
OKC, OK 73102
following the OCDC mail guidelines.
Please note: Legal and Medical Mail is screened for the presence of contraband, verified by sender, and will be rejected if it does not meet OCDC mail guidelines.
Any mail that is sent to PO Box 591, Longview, Texas 75606 for processing will NOT be returned or released. Once the mail is processed and received electronically by the resident, it will be destroyed. This includes pictures or anything else mailed to the processing facility.
By sending the mail to PO Box 591, Longview, Texas 75606 you agree to the items being destroyed and understand that anything you mail will not be returned or reimbursed. No legal or medical mail will be accepted.