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OCDC Application

Thank you for your interest in OCDC! We hope to engage eager and passionate individuals in the hiring process, move you quickly through the background and interview process, and begin (or continue) your career in law enforcement as soon as possible. Please complete the application below to commence the process and begin your role in making a difference at OCDC.

Be Part of the Change!

Applicant Information

Application Questionnaire

Do you have a high school diploma or GED?
Have you ever been charged or convicted of a felony?
Are you legally eligible to work in the U.S. ?
Have you ever worked for the Oklahoma County Detention Center?
Have you ever worked in Law Enforcement, a Detention Center, DOC, or other care facilities?
Do you have a family member or know anyone currently in OCDC or DOC custody?
Have you ever been incarcerated in the Oklahoma County Detention Center?
Have you ever been charged or convicted of any offense (including traffic) which involved the illegal use of drugs or alcohol?

Authorization For A Background Investigation Conducted by the Oklahoma County Criminal Justice Authority

To Whom it may Concern: I am an applicant for employment with the Oklahoma County Criminal Justice Authority (OCCJA), a law enforcement entity. OCCJA needs to thoroughly investigate my background and personal history to evaluate my qualifications to hold the position for which I applied. It is in the public's interest that all relevant information concerning my personal and employment history be disclosed to the above agency. I hereby request and authorize you to release to the OCCJA, any and all information or records concerning me, my background, and personal history, my employment , education, military service, or criminal history. The intent of this authorization is to give my consent for full and complete disclosure of any and all information or records, including photocopies, whether private, public, confidential, or privileged, and to include the contents of investigatory files, evaluations or ratings, and complaints or grievances filed against me. A photocopy or FAX copy of this release form will be valid as an original thereof, even though the said photocopy of FAX copy does not contain an original writing of my signature. I agree to indemnify and hold harmless any person to whom this request is presented and his agents and employees from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses, arising out of or by reason of complying with this request. Failure to release the information requested by the OCCJA may result in the discontinuance of the background investigation and the processing of my application. For and in consideration of the OCCJA's acceptance and processing of my application for employment, I agree to hold the agency, it's agents and employees, harmless from any and all claims and liability associated with my application for employment or in any way connected with the decision whether or not to employ me. I understand that should information of a serious criminal nature surface as a result to this investigation, such information may be turned over to the proper authorities. This authorization is valid for one (1) year from the date of the signature.

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Thank you for your application. We'll be in touch.

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