Oklahoma County Detention Center
Special Services
These specialized units contribute to the overall safety, security, and professionalism of our facility. They are trained to handle unique challenges that may arise, whether they be emergencies or ceremonial events.

The Oklahoma County Detention Center maintains a team of select staff members to respond to and restore order in emergency situations and disturbances. The SERT team is trained and equipped to handle situations that require higher levels of expertise. Team members are qualified in the use of department- issued firearms to conduct transports and other duties as directed. To become a SERT member, a detention officer must meet exemplary qualifications, participate in specialized training, and consistently exceed performance standards.
Special Emergency Response Team
Honor Guard
The Oklahoma County Detention Center Honor Guard was established in 2022. The Honor Guard is a ceremonial unit used to honor fellow comrades who have passed on or retired. When they are not involved with ceremonies, they also join community events such as parades & anthems. The team symbolizes pride, integrity and professionalism while representing over 125 uniformed officers.